The Boy In The Woods
The Boy In The Woods follows the true story of Max (Jett Klyne), a Jewish boy escaping Nazi persecution in Eastern Europe. After he is separated from his family, Max finds refuge with a Christian peasant Jasko (Richard Armitage) who hides him in plain site until a tense stand-off with Nazi police. Afraid for his own family’s life, Jasko sends Max to live in the woods where he learns to survive alone.
With echoes of “Grimm’s Fairy Tale,” Max’s experience is both terrifying and magical. He inhabits a landscape crawling with Jew-hunters, partisans and haunted by ghosts. Then everything changes when he meets another boy in hiding, Yanek (David Kohlsmith). Their extraordinary adventure culminates in the heroic rescue of a baby girl, but it comes at a tragic price. Based on the best-selling memoir by Canadian Holocaust survivor Maxwell Smart and inspired by the award – winning documentary Cheating Hitler: Surviving The Holocaust.
Film Info
- Director: Rebecca Snow
- 2023, Canada
- English
- Drama
- 96 minutes